
Detective Pikachu Returns: A Charming Sequel with a Few Missteps | A Tamatem Review

The original Detective Pikachu game, released over five years ago for the Nintendo 3DS, was a unique departure from the traditional Pokémon formula. Trading in trainers, Poké Balls, and battles for mysteries more akin to the Phoenix Wright/Professor Layton games, it offered a fresh and engaging experience. The game’s popularity led to a movie adaptation in 2019, which became a box-office success. However, the movie’s story diverged significantly from the game’s, creating a challenge for the sequel to tell a cohesive narrative.

Detective Pikachu Returns picks up with Tim Goodman and his trusty partner, Detective Pikachu, as they receive awards for their previous investigative work. Soon enough, they find themselves embroiled in a series of interconnected mysteries, all while continuing their search for Tim’s missing father, Harry. The game excels in its portrayal of the relationship between Tim and Pikachu, with Tim serving as the straight man to Pikachu’s gruff and humorous persona. It’s heartwarming to see their bond deepen as they face increasingly personal cases.

The gameplay remains largely unchanged from the original, with players exploring the streets of Ryme City, temple ruins, and other varied locales, interacting with both humans and Pokémon. Gathering information, translating Pokémon speech, and compiling evidence for your notebook are all key aspects of the gameplay. Once you’ve collected enough clues, it’s time to deduce the facts and identify the culprit in a multiple-choice quiz.

One of the most welcome additions in Detective Pikachu Returns is Pikachu’s ability to team up with other Pokémon. Sniffing out clues with Growlithe, punching through obstacles with Darmanitan, and seeing through walls with Luxray provide refreshing breaks from the text-heavy gameplay. While these sequences aren’t groundbreaking, they finally allow players to utilise Pokémon powers in a series where Detective Pikachu himself is famously unable to do so.

Side missions offer a welcome respite from the main storyline. These tasks involve helping lost Pokémon, tracking down elusive creatures, or simply providing assistance to various NPCs. While these missions don’t have a significant impact on the overall narrative, they add to the game’s world-building and provide a sense of accomplishment.

The game’s simple, cartoony visuals are a noticeable improvement over the 3DS predecessor and suit the game’s tone perfectly. However, environmental navigation remains stuck in the past. Frequent loading screens disrupt the flow of the game, especially when traversing small areas or moving between floors in buildings.

While I enjoyed the overall story arc and individual case narratives, the game’s puzzles are relatively straightforward and won’t challenge experienced puzzle solvers. However, the biggest issue with Detective Pikachu Returns is its conflict with the 2019 movie. Key plot elements that align between the two mediums feel like spoilers, making it difficult for those who have only seen the movie to fully appreciate the game’s story.

Despite its shortcomings, Detective Pikachu Returns is an entertaining sequel that builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor. The charming characters, engaging mysteries, and improved gameplay make it a worthwhile experience for fans of the series, particularly those who have played the original 3DS game.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Super Mario RPG’s remains charmingly off-brand | A Tamatem Review

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, released for Super Nintendo in 1996, was a groundbreaking role-playing game (RPG) that stood out from its contemporaries with its bright, accessible, and engaging gameplay. While other RPGs of the era were known for their mature stories and lengthy playtime, Super Mario RPG offered a more lighthearted and manageable experience, making it an ideal choice for newcomers to the genre.

The game’s familiar characters, lighthearted story, reasonable length, and timed button-pressing during combat made it a refreshing alternative to the more serious RPGs of the time. Even today, more than 25 years later, the original formula still holds up and delivers an enjoyable journey.

Bizarre Characters and References

Beyond its fun combat, visuals, and story, Super Mario RPG is known for its quirky and bizarre elements. The Nintendo of 1996 was still experimenting with the boundaries of Mario’s universe, allowing developer Square (not yet Square Enix) to introduce unique characters and situations that would not be possible in today’s more sanitised gaming landscape.

The remake thankfully preserves all of this weirdness. The game features entire races of characters never seen again in the Mario universe, Shy Guys engaging in full conversations, and dialogue choices that make Mario come off as a bit of a jerk. In one memorable scene, a party member has to hold Mario back from punching a child Toad who casually insulted him.

The game is also brimming with references to other Nintendo franchises and games, adding to its overall charm.

Engaging Combat with New Additions

Combat remains a highlight of Super Mario RPG, and the additions in the remake enhance the action without detracting from its original appeal. A new Action Gauge fills up as players successfully execute Action Commands (timed button-pressing), allowing them to unleash powerful Triple Moves.

The remake’s combat system adds a layer of depth and strategy to battles, encouraging players to experiment with different party combinations to see all of the Triple Moves. While the visual feedback for Action Commands could be improved, the overall combat system is still engaging and enjoyable.

Pace and Overall Experience

The remake of Super Mario RPG features a slightly brisker pace compared to the original, with an average playtime that is shorter than its predecessor. This streamlined experience makes the game more approachable for newcomers while still providing enough content for longtime fans.


Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is a timeless classic that has been faithfully recreated in this new remake. The game’s bright and accessible gameplay, quirky characters, and engaging combat make it an enjoyable experience for both newcomers and longtime fans alike.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder: A Remarkable Reinvention | A Tamatem Review

The Super Mario Bros. series, a cornerstone of the gaming industry for nearly four decades, has continuously reinvented itself to remain at the forefront of platforming games. Super Mario Bros. Wonder marks the next step in this evolution, seamlessly blending classic gameplay with the most creative 2D Mario experience in almost three decades.

Simply traversing through a stage is an exhilarating experience in itself. Mario and his diverse cast of characters have never felt, looked, or sounded better. The upbeat, catchy soundtrack perfectly complements the superb gameplay, and the expressive new art style accentuates the most important elements of the characters and world.

The level design in Super Mario Bros. Wonder is consistently impressive, with each course introducing a new, inventive gimmick. Whether it’s bouncing off hippo-like creatures to reach new areas or navigating lava-filled passages using circular rocks, the perfectly designed on-ramps allow for a seamless learning curve. The anticipation of how these stage gimmicks will evolve keeps players eagerly engaged throughout the adventure.

The new power-ups, such as the Elephant Fruit, Drill Mushroom, and Bubble Flower, offer fun and practical ways to explore each stage. However, the Badge system takes character enhancement to another level. The Parachute Cap, which enables gliding, and the Sensor, which reveals nearby secrets, were helpful, but the Crouching High Jump proved to be the most versatile and rewarding.

The game’s namesake Wonder Effects are the true stars of the show. These level-transforming warps constantly kept me guessing what would happen next. Each Wonder Effect was a delightful surprise, whether it was transforming Mario into a Bowser minion, launching him into an outer space obstacle course, or turning the entire stage into a musical extravaganza. Nintendo masterfully utilised these effects to introduce entirely new gameplay mechanics, such as top-down sequences, slow-motion action, and entertaining chase sequences. The sheer unpredictability of the Wonder Effects not only elevated the level design but also injected freshness into the less creative boss battles.

While there are only a few true boss fights in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, they make effective use of Wonder Effects to provide new twists. However, beyond these effects, which include terrain alterations, enemy cloning, and more, most battles involve the same character with the same move set. While the Wonder Effects do a commendable job of diversifying these encounters, I couldn’t help but wish for more variety in the boss battles themselves. Thankfully, the final boss battle is an exception, delivering an unforgettable experience thanks to its creative and unreserved use of Wonder Effects.

Although I primarily played Super Mario Bros. Wonder solo, the limited multiplayer offering proved to be a fun addition. While the lack of online cooperative play was disappointing, local multiplayer with friends was a blast, with reduced chaos compared to previous games due to the inability for characters to interact directly (aside from riding on Yoshi).

The online multiplayer option allows players to form a lobby where they appear as ghosts in separate instances, with the ability to revive each other. However, this limited interaction detracts from what makes Super Mario Bros. Wonder truly special. The most enjoyable moments in the game came from leisurely exploration, uncovering secrets, and savouring the Wonder Effects, rather than rushing through the stages.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder delivers a delightful surprise from the moment you start playing. While the core gameplay remains familiar, Nintendo’s ability to uniquely iterate on the established formula kept me engaged throughout the entire journey, culminating in a memorable final battle. Despite my familiarity with the 2D Mario series, Super Mario Bros. Wonder consistently surprised me, demonstrating that the iconic franchise still has plenty of surprises in store.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

The Godfather on the PS2 | A Tamatem Review

Widely hailed as one of the greatest films ever made, The Godfather, when adapted into a video game by Electronic Arts, initially appeared to be a risky endeavour. Yet, the gamble paid off, resulting in a compelling and faithful experience that seamlessly blends with the iconic movie’s narrative.

Despite the protagonist being an entirely new character, The Godfather successfully adheres to the film’s events, placing players in the shoes of a pivotal figure absent from the movie’s spotlight. The game skillfully integrates this character into the established storyline, maintaining harmony with the film’s essence. At the outset, players create a mobster using EA Sports-style customization tools, initiating the game by witnessing the protagonist’s father being gunned down. Fast-forwarding to the movie’s wedding scene, the narrative unfolds as the player’s character is taken under the wing of the Don, orchestrated by a request on his daughter’s wedding day, a rule that no Sicilian can refuse.

Operating as an unofficial enforcer for the Corleone family, players engage in compelling activities such as intimidating merchants for protection money, expanding their influence by taking over various businesses and rackets. The game intertwines these activities with well-crafted story missions, mirroring iconic moments from the film. This unique blend of faithful recreation and original content distinguishes The Godfather from routine movie adaptations.

The game’s commitment to authenticity extends to its accurate depiction of Corleone family members, with characters closely resembling their film counterparts. While borrowing heavily from the Grand Theft Auto series, The Godfather excels in replicating the city of New York, allowing players to explore familiar film locations. However, the meticulous detail occasionally results in confusing streets, impeding smooth navigation.

The Godfather mirrors the mayhem of GTA, offering a range of criminal activities and interactions with the police. The game introduces challenging missions and a variety of weapons, complemented by simple yet effective gunplay. The combat system, featuring a mix of melee and firearm options, provides players with a satisfying array of choices, despite occasional AI glitches.

As players progress, accumulating respect points and levelling up, the game reveals its depth, allowing for skill development and enhanced abilities. Though the PC version boasts better visuals, the control scheme is more intuitive on consoles. Despite occasional frame rate issues across all platforms, the game’s expansive content, including bonus clips from the movie, offers around 20 hours of immersive gameplay.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Cleopatra Revisited | A Tamatem Review

Cleopatra, the official expansion pack to the acclaimed city-building game Pharaoh, is a significant upgrade that breathes new life into the original title. While retaining the core gameplay that made Pharaoh so enjoyable, Cleopatra introduces a host of new features, challenges, and complexities that will captivate both seasoned veterans and newcomers alike.

Expanded Gameplay and New Industries

One of the most notable aspects of Cleopatra is the expansion of the game’s economic system. The introduction of two new industries, lamp making and paint making, adds depth and complexity to the gameplay. Lamp makers must carefully manage their supplies of pottery and oil, while paint makers need to ensure a steady supply of henna. These new industries add a layer of strategic planning to the game, requiring players to carefully balance their resource allocation and production chains.

Beyond the new industries, Cleopatra also introduces a variety of new monuments, including the impressive royal tombs. These grand structures demand careful planning and execution, as they require a combination of resources, skilled labour, and strategic placement. The construction of royal tombs not only enhances the prestige of your city but also serves as a testament to your architectural prowess.

Challenging Campaigns and Enhanced Military

The campaigns in Cleopatra are a step up from those in Pharaoh, offering a greater degree of challenge and variety. Some missions now impose strict time limits, forcing players to make quick decisions and adapt to changing circumstances. Additionally, the military element of Cleopatra plays a more prominent role, with some missions requiring players to defend their city from relentless invaders. This increased focus on military strategy adds an exciting new dimension to the gameplay, forcing players to balance their economic growth with the need for a strong defence.

Minor Issues and Overall Impression

While Cleopatra is a remarkable expansion pack, it is not without its flaws. The presence of creatures that attack the populace can be frustrating, as they can cause significant damage to your city’s infrastructure and population. Additionally, a persistent bug that can halt tomb construction can be a major inconvenience.

Despite these minor issues, Cleopatra is a well-crafted expansion pack that adds depth, challenge, and freshness to the Pharaoh experience. The new industries, monuments, and campaigns provide hours of engaging gameplay, while the enhanced military element adds a new layer of strategic complexity. For fans of Pharaoh seeking a fresh and challenging experience, Cleopatra is an essential addition to their gaming library.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’ Campaign is a Beautiful Disaster | A Tamatem Review

Modern Warfare 3’s single-player campaign is a colossal failure. It’s a hastily assembled collection of uninspired missions that recycle elements from previous games without adding anything new or interesting. The story is borderline incoherent and has nothing to say, and the characters are underdeveloped and forgettable.

One of the biggest problems with the campaign is its open combat missions. These missions are essentially sandboxes where you’re given a set of objectives to complete in any order you want. However, the objectives are tedious and repetitive, and the enemy AI is so dumb that they barely pose a challenge. As a result, these missions quickly become a chore to play through.

The campaign’s linear missions are slightly better, but they’re still underwhelming. The level design is unimaginative, and the set pieces are uninspired. The only mission that stands out is a snowstorm-decorated shootout at a shipyard, but even that mission is let down by its predictable story and repetitive gameplay.

Another major problem with the campaign is its story. The plot is full of clichés and contrivances, and the characters are one-dimensional stereotypes. The campaign also tries to tackle some difficult themes, such as terrorism and the violent response to it, but it does so in a way that is shallow and exploitative.

Overall, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s single-player campaign is a massive disappointment. It’s a shallow, dull, and forgettable experience that’s best avoided.

Additional thoughts:

  • The campaign’s No Russian mission is a particularly egregious example of its shallow and exploitative storytelling. The mission is essentially a shock value exercise that attempts to generate emotional impact through gratuitous violence. However, the mission fails to have any real impact, as it’s clear that the developers are more interested in shocking the player than in exploring the complex themes that the mission raises.
  • The campaign’s gunplay is solid, but it’s not enough to save the game from its other shortcomings. The weapons feel good to shoot, and the sound design is top-notch. However, the gunplay doesn’t add anything new or interesting to the Call of Duty formula.
  • The campaign’s visuals are impressive, but they’re not enough to make up for the game’s other problems. The environments are detailed and realistic, and the character models are lifelike. However, the visuals are wasted on a campaign that’s so uninspired and forgettable.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s single-player campaign is a colossal failure. It’s a shallow, dull, and forgettable experience that’s best avoided.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

‘Total War: Pharaoh’ is a Timeless Classic In the making | A Tamatem Review

Total War: Pharaoh is a challenging and rewarding game that captures the richness of the Late Bronze Age and perhaps the only medium to frankly assess the Bronze-Age Collapse.

The campaign is particularly impressive, with its deep empire management mechanics and clever use of the Nile River. The outposts system is a great addition, allowing players to customise their settlements and create new strategic possibilities. The battle pacing is also excellent, with infantry engagements slowed down to allow for more tactical manoeuvring. Unit weight classes add an extra layer of complexity and make for more interesting battles.

However, there are some rough edges, especially in the peripheral areas of the map. The outer regions don’t have the same political richness or strategic depth as Egypt. And while every faction has a wide roster to pull from, some of the smaller factions feel a bit underdeveloped. Despite these flaws, Total War: Pharaoh is a must-play for fans of historical Total War games. It’s a challenging and rewarding experience that offers something for everyone.

To enhance the gaming experience, consider expanding the map to incorporate Mesopotamia and other significant regions of the Late Bronze Age. This expansion would introduce a wealth of new content and gameplay variety, providing players with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the cultures and civilisations that defined the ancient world.

Addressing the underdeveloped nature of peripheral regions is crucial for a more engaging gameplay experience. Currently, these outer areas feel somewhat tacked on, lacking unique content and gameplay mechanics. To rectify this, the addition of distinctive factions, settlements, and resources would infuse these regions with intrigue, making exploration and conquest more captivating.

Improving the transparency of the influence mechanic is essential for player comprehension and mastery. The current opacity of the mechanic can pose challenges for players, making it difficult to grasp its intricacies. Enhancements such as additional tooltips and explanations would empower players to understand how the influence mechanic operates and how to leverage it strategically.

Bolstering the stability and overall gameplay experience is contingent upon fixing bugs affecting empire management mechanics. Some bugs, particularly those impacting Legacy powers and the annexation of smaller factions, need attention. Addressing these issues will contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience.

Providing more playable characters and Ancient Legacies for the Hittites and Canaanites is another avenue for enriching gameplay. Currently trailing behind Egypt in terms of options, expanding the roster for these factions would inject diversity and choice into the player experience, enhancing the overall appeal of the game.

In addition to these specific improvements, I would also like to see Creative Assembly Sophia continue to support Total War: Pharaoh with post-launch content updates. New factions, settlements, and units would all be welcome additions to the game. And I would be particularly interested in seeing a campaign expansion that focuses on Mesopotamia, the heartland of the ancient Akkadian and Babylonian empires.

Overall, Total War: Pharaoh is a great game with a lot of potential. I am excited to see what the future holds for this game, and I hope that Creative Assembly Sophia will continue to support it for many years to come.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

‘Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name’ – A Cup of Miso Soup Served Before ‘Infinite Wealth’s’ Main Course | A Tamatem Review

Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is a brief (although its title isn’t) but a satisfying game that provides a deeper look into Kiryu Kazuma’s character and bridges the gap between the events of Yakuza 6 and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. The combat is revitalised with new gadgets and abilities, but the setting and side activities are somewhat stale. Overall, the game is a good appetiser for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, but not a satisfying meal on its own.

Kiryu’s Character Arc

One of the most notable aspects of Like a Dragon Gaiden is its focus on Kiryu’s character. In previous games, Kiryu has often been portrayed as a stoic and selfless hero. However, in Like a Dragon Gaiden, we see a more vulnerable side of Kiryu. He is struggling to come to terms with his past and is worried about the future of his loved ones.

This character growth is important for several reasons. First, it makes Kiryu a more relatable and sympathetic protagonist. Second, it raises the stakes for him in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. We know that Kiryu is fighting for more than just himself, but also for the people he cares about.

New Gameplay Mechanics

Another important aspect of Like a Dragon Gaiden is its introduction of new gameplay mechanics. The grappling hook and smoke bombs add a new strategic dimension to combat, allowing Kiryu to attack foes from a distance and escape dangerous situations. The Agent fighting style is also a welcome addition, as it is more agile and acrobatic than Kiryu’s conventional yakuza style.

Setting and Side Activities

While the setting and side activities in Like a Dragon Gaiden are not particularly noteworthy, the game’s main story is well-written and engaging. Kiryu’s investigation into the sinister organisation that is threatening his loved ones leads him to discover a conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of Japanese society.

Overall Verdict

Overall, Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is a solid game that is worth playing for fans of the series. It provides a satisfying conclusion to Kiryu’s character arc, introduces some new gameplay mechanics, and sets the stage for the upcoming Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. However, players should be aware that the game is somewhat short and that the setting and side activities are not particularly inspiring.

Additional Thoughts

Here are some additional thoughts on the game:

  • The relationship between Kiryu and his new allies, especially the former yakuza and casino manager, is one of the highlights of the game. It is refreshing to see Kiryu interact with people who are not directly involved in the yakuza underworld.
  • The game’s combat is challenging and rewarding, especially when using the new gadgets and abilities. However, some players may find the game’s focus on combat to be repetitive.
  • The game’s story is well-written and engaging, but it is also predictable at times. Players who are familiar with the Yakuza series will likely be able to guess how the story will unfold.


Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is a good game for fans of the series, but it is not a must-play for everyone. It provides a satisfying conclusion to Kiryu’s character arc, introduces some new gameplay mechanics, and sets the stage for the upcoming Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. However, players should be aware that the game is somewhat short and that the setting and side activities are not particularly inspiring.

About us:
Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

A Disappointing-Yet-Promising Addition: Cities: Skylines 2 | A Tamatem Review

  • Colossal Order’s urban city builder sequel is larger than its predecessor but faces challenges in surpassing it. Skylines 2 introduces features like importing electricity and modular upgrades for service buildings, streamlining the early game experience.
  • The addition of resource nodes for farming and mining adds depth, contributing to the game’s realism and a quasi-survival city builder vibe.
  • Despite its size, Skylines 2 feels less populated and lacks the vibrant city life animations present in the original.
  • Prop decorations are noticeably absent, diminishing customisation options, and the game’s visual style leans towards realism, reducing whimsical elements.
  • Skylines 2 grapples with performance problems, including fps drops, freezes, and crashes, particularly as cities expand, posing a current challenge for players.

Cities: Skylines 2: Where Ambition Meets Infrastructure

Colossal Order’s ambitious sequel, Cities: Skylines 2, sprawls across the urban development landscape, aiming to outshine its predecessor in both scale and sophistication. Yet, within this vast cityscape lie intricacies and challenges that, much like the metropolis it seeks to create, weave a complex tapestry.

Building Blocks of Progress

In the initial phases, Skylines 2 introduces game-changing elements, such as the ability to import electricity and modular upgrades for service buildings. This strategic layer adds depth to the city-building experience, providing players with more control over the evolution of their burgeoning metropolis. The introduction of XP-based milestones and a development points system, reminiscent of a strategy game tech tree, empowers players to shape the trajectory of their city’s growth.

Venturing Beyond City Limits

The inclusion of resource nodes for farming and mining introduces a survival city builder aspect, allowing players to draw agricultural and mining zones on the outskirts. This expansion into rural territories not only adds a layer of realism but also contributes to the immersive world-building, creating a city that extends beyond the skyscrapers and urban sprawl.

The Cracks in the Concrete

However, as the cityscape broadens, Skylines 2 reveals some shortcomings. While it boasts monumental size, it lacks the dynamic animations and lively details that brought the original Skylines to life. The absence of decorative props limits personalization, and a shift towards a more realistic visual style sacrifices some of the whimsical charm that defined its predecessor.

Performance Hurdles

The city’s ascent is marred by performance issues. Framerate drops, freezes, and occasional crashes disrupt the fluidity of the gameplay, especially as the city grows and flourishes. These technical challenges force players to navigate the urban sprawl with caution, detracting from the otherwise seamless experience.

Hope on the Horizon

Despite these obstacles, Skylines 2 mirrors the trajectory of its forerunner. The original Skylines underwent a transformative journey with the introduction of DLCs, free additions, and a vibrant modding community. 

Skylines 2, though grappling with current technical hurdles, holds the promise of a post-launch metamorphosis that could elevate it beyond its predecessor, not just in size but in overall magnificence. For now, it stands as a metropolis in the making, with towering potential and hurdles alike.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.