
Spotlight on Tamatem’s Top Mobile Games of the Year

At Tamatem, we’re dedicated to bringing you the best in mobile gaming, and this year has been defined by some incredible releases that have kept our players engaged and entertained. Join us as we shine a spotlight on our top mobile games that have captivated audiences and set new standards in the gaming industry. From epic adventures to strategic challenges, here’s a look at the games that have made their mark this year.

 Rage of the Brave: Embark on an Epic Journey

Our newest launch “Rage of the Brave” stands tall as one of our flagship titles, offering players an immersive RPG experience set in a fantastical world of heroes and villains. Dive into a rich narrative, engage in tactical battles, and uncover the mysteries of a kingdom in turmoil. With stunning visuals and deep gameplay mechanics, “Rage of the Brave” continues to captivate RPG enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

VIP Baloot: A Card Game Classic

Step into the world of competitive card gaming with “VIP Baloot,” where skill, strategy, and social interaction converge. Join thousands of players across the region in this popular card game that combines traditional gameplay with modern features. Whether you’re playing solo or challenging friends, “VIP Baloot” offers an authentic Baloot experience that keeps players coming back for more.

Fashion Queen: Rule the Runway

Become a fashion mogul in “Fashion Queen,” where style meets strategy in a glamorous world of haute couture. Design stunning outfits, manage your fashion empire, and compete in fashion shows to showcase your creativity and trendsetting skills. With its vibrant visuals and addictive gameplay, “Fashion Queen” has become a favorite among fashion enthusiasts and aspiring designers.

 Wanas: Voice Chat Ludo Fun

Introducing “Wanas,” our latest addition to the Tamatem lineup. This innovative game combines the classic fun of Ludo with the excitement of voice chat, allowing players to connect and strategize in real-time. Roll the dice, move your tokens, and engage with friends or opponents through voice chat for a truly interactive gaming experience. Stay tuned as we unveil more about “Wanas,” which promises to redefine mobile gaming with its social and engaging gameplay.

Looking Ahead: What’s Next?

As we look forward to the future, Tamatem is committed to pushing the boundaries of mobile gaming with innovative new releases and updates to our existing titles. Whether you’re drawn to epic RPGs, classic card games, fashion simulations, or immersive adventures, there’s something for every gamer in our diverse portfolio.


The past year has been marked by excitement and innovation at Tamatem, and our top mobile games reflect our dedication to delivering quality, engaging experiences to our players. Thank you for being part of our gaming community, and we look forward to bringing you more unforgettable adventures in the year ahead.

Stay tuned for updates, new releases, and exciting announcements from Tamatem!

How Tamatem Adapts Global Games for Arabic-Speaking Audiences: A Behind-the-Scenes Look

At Tamatem Games, we pride ourselves on our unique ability to bring the best global games to the Arabic-speaking world. We don’t just translate; we transform. Join us as we take you behind the scenes to see how we adapt global games for Arabic-speaking audiences, ensuring they resonate deeply and provide an unforgettable gaming experience.

Understanding the Audience

Before we even begin the adaptation process, we immerse ourselves in understanding our audience. The Arabic-speaking world is rich with diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. We conduct extensive market research to grasp what players love, their gaming habits, and cultural nuances. This foundational knowledge guides every step of our adaptation process, ensuring we create games that feel authentic and engaging.

Expert Localization Team

Our localization team is at the heart of our adaptation process. This team consists of native Arabic speakers who are not only fluent in the language but also deeply familiar with regional dialects and cultural subtleties. Their expertise ensures that every piece of text, dialogue, and narrative is accurately translated and culturally relevant. This goes beyond simple translation – it’s about capturing the essence and spirit of the original game in a way that resonates with Arabic-speaking players.

Cultural Customization

Adapting a game for Arabic-speaking audiences involves more than just language translation. We customize various elements of the game to align with cultural norms and preferences. This can include modifying character names, adjusting in-game content to be culturally appropriate, and even redesigning certain visual elements to better reflect regional aesthetics. Our goal is to make players feel at home in the game world while maintaining the original game’s integrity.

Voiceovers and Soundtracks

A crucial part of our adaptation process is recording high-quality voiceovers. With all our voiceovers being done inhouse, our talented Arabic voice actors to bring characters to life, ensuring their voices are authentic and relatable. Additionally, we may adjust the game’s soundtrack to include regional music styles or instruments, further immersing players in a familiar and enjoyable audio experience.

UI/UX Adaptation

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) play a significant role in gaming enjoyment. We meticulously adapt the UI/UX to cater to Arabic-speaking audiences, which includes right-to-left text orientation, culturally relevant icons, and intuitive navigation tailored to local user habits. This attention to detail ensures that players can easily navigate and enjoy the game without any friction.

Community Engagement

Engaging with our player community is a cornerstone of our adaptation process. We actively seek feedback from players, whether through beta testing, surveys, or community forums. This feedback helps us fine-tune the game to better meet the expectations and preferences of Arabic-speaking gamers. By involving the community, we create a sense of ownership and connection, making players feel valued and heard.

Continuous Updates and Support

Our commitment to excellence doesn’t end with the game’s release. We provide continuous updates and support to address any issues, introduce new content, and keep the game fresh and exciting. This ongoing effort ensures that our games remain relevant and enjoyable for our Arabic-speaking audience over the long term.


Adapting global games for Arabic-speaking audiences is a meticulous and rewarding process. At Tamatem Games, we take pride in our ability to bridge cultural gaps and deliver exceptional gaming experiences. By understanding our audience, employing expert localization, customizing cultural elements, and engaging with the community, we ensure that every game we adapt feels like it was made just for Arabic-speaking players.

Join us on this journey and experience the magic of global games reimagined for the Arabic-speaking world. At Tamatem Games, we bring the world to your fingertips!

The Future of Mobile Gaming in the MENA Region: Trends and Predictions for the Coming Years

Welcome to the future of mobile gaming in the MENA region! As we at Tamatem Games look ahead, we see a horizon filled with exciting possibilities and groundbreaking innovations. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is poised to become a powerhouse in the mobile gaming industry, and we’re here to take you through the trends and predictions that will shape this vibrant landscape.

Unstoppable Market Growth

The MENA region’s mobile gaming market is booming. With a young and tech-savvy population, increasing smartphone penetration, and improved internet infrastructure, the growth is unstoppable. According to recent reports, the gaming market value in the MENA region is expected to reach $10 billion by 2027. This surge is driven by the growing number of gamers and the rising popularity of mobile games.

Localization and Cultural Relevance.

Localization is more than just translating text; it’s about creating experiences that resonate with local cultures and preferences. At Tamatem Games, we understand the importance of cultural relevance. The future of mobile gaming in MENA will see more games tailored to the tastes and traditions of the region, featuring local languages, stories, and themes. This trend will not only attract more players but also foster a deeper connection between gamers and the games they love.

Rise of Esports and Competitive Gaming

Esports is set to explode in the MENA region. With the establishment of dedicated esports arenas and the growing popularity of competitive gaming, we predict a significant rise in esports events and tournaments. This will create new opportunities for gamers, influencers, and content creators. The MENA region will become a hub for esports, attracting global attention and investment.

Advanced Technologies (AR and VR)

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are not just buzzwords; they are the future of gaming. As these technologies become more accessible, we expect to see an increase in AR and VR mobile games. Imagine stepping into a virtual world that blends seamlessly with your real environment or experiencing an immersive adventure through your smartphone. These technologies will redefine mobile gaming, offering unparalleled experiences to players in the MENA region.

Artificial Intelligence

In addition to the exciting developments in mobile gaming, artificial intelligence (AI) stands as a transformative force poised to redefine the player experience. AI’s integration into game development promises to revolutionize gameplay dynamics by adapting challenges to individual player skills and preferences. Moreover, AI-driven content generation allows for more immersive narratives and personalized gaming experiences. As AI technologies continue to advance, they will play a crucial role in shaping the future landscape of mobile gaming in the MENA region, enhancing both the quality and depth of interactive entertainment offered to players.

Mobile Gaming as a Social Platform

Mobile games are evolving into social platforms where players can connect, collaborate, and compete. The future will see more games incorporating social features like in-game chat, live streaming, and community events. This social aspect will enhance player engagement and create thriving gaming communities. At Tamatem Games, we are committed to fostering these connections and building a strong gaming ecosystem in MENA.

Growth of In-Game Monetization

In-game monetization strategies will continue to evolve, offering new ways for developers to generate revenue and for players to enjoy premium content. From in-app purchases to subscription models and ad-based rewards, the options are expanding. The key will be to balance monetization with providing value to players, ensuring a fair and enjoyable gaming experience.

Emphasis on Quality and Innovation

Quality and innovation will be at the forefront of the future of mobile gaming. Players in the MENA region are discerning and expect top-notch gaming experiences. Developers will need to push the boundaries of creativity and technology to deliver games that are not only entertaining but also innovative and visually stunning. At Tamatem Games, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality games that captivate and inspire.


The future of mobile gaming in the MENA region is bright and full of potential. With rapid market growth, cultural relevance, esports, advanced technologies, social gaming, innovative monetization, and a focus on quality, the coming years promise to be transformative. At Tamatem Games, we are excited to be at the forefront of this revolution, bringing the best of mobile gaming to the MENA region and beyond.

Stay tuned, gamers, because the best is yet to come!

The Impact of E-sports on Mobile Gaming: Analyzing the Growing Trend of Mobile Esports.

The world of esports is no longer confined to high-end PCs and consoles. The rise of mobile esports is transforming the gaming landscape, bringing competitive gaming to the fingertips of millions. At Tamatem Games, we are at the forefront of this exciting trend, nurturing and expanding the mobile esports community in the MENA region. Let’s dive into the impact of esports on mobile gaming and how Tamatem is playing a pivotal role in this evolution.

Mobile esports is experiencing explosive growth. With the increasing accessibility of smartphones and improvements in mobile internet infrastructure, competitive gaming is more accessible than ever. Games that were once casual pastimes have evolved into highly competitive arenas where players can showcase their skills on a global stage.

One of the key strengths of mobile esports is its ability to democratize competitive gaming. It allows anyone with a smartphone to participate, broadening the player base and creating diverse and vibrant communities. Players from different backgrounds can compete, collaborate, and connect, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of global camaraderie.

At Tamatem Games, we recognize the potential of mobile esports and are dedicated to fostering competitive gaming within the Arabic-speaking community. Our games are designed to support competitive play, with features that encourage strategic thinking, teamwork, and skill development.

To further promote mobile esports, we host and sponsor various tournaments and events. This year, we are thrilled to be part of major esports events like the Esports World Cup in Riyadh, and Insomnia Egypt. These prestigious competitions provide a platform for players to test their skills, gain recognition, and win prizes. By participating in these events, we aim to elevate the status of mobile esports and provide opportunities for aspiring gamers to shine.

We believe that a strong, supportive community is essential for the growth of mobile esports. Through forums, social media groups, and in-game chat features, we facilitate communication and camaraderie among players. This community-centric approach helps players share tips, strategies, and experiences, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Mobile esports requires a unique set of skills, and we are committed to helping players develop and refine these skills. Through in-game tutorials, practice modes, and educational content, we provide resources for players to improve their gameplay and compete at higher levels.

Looking ahead, the future of mobile esports is bright, with new technologies and innovations on the horizon. At Tamatem Games, we are excited to continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in mobile esports. From enhanced gameplay features to larger, more prestigious tournaments, we are committed to leading the way in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field.

The impact of esports on mobile gaming is profound, transforming casual gaming into a competitive, community-driven experience. At Tamatem Games, we are proud to be at the forefront of this movement, fostering a vibrant mobile esports community and providing players with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed.

Thank you to our incredible players for your passion and dedication. Together, we are shaping the future of mobile esports in the Arabic-speaking world. At Tamatem Games, the competition never stops, and neither does the fun!

The Evolution of Mobile Game Design: Tracing the changes and advancements in tamatem’s game design philosophy

At Tamatem, we’ve always believed in the power of play. Since our inception, our journey in mobile game design has been driven by a relentless pursuit of innovation, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to our players. Today, we invite you to explore how our game design philosophy and techniques have evolved over the years, celebrating the milestones that have shaped our path and offering a glimpse into the exciting future that lies ahead.

A Foundation of Fun: The Early Years

Our story began with a simple yet powerful vision: to create mobile games that resonate with Arabic-speaking audiences. From the outset, we focused on developing games that were not only entertaining but also culturally relevant. This meant paying close attention to the themes, characters, and narratives that would resonate with our target audience.

In the early years, our design philosophy was anchored in the idea of accessibility. We aimed to create games that were easy to pick up but challenging enough to keep players engaged. This approach led to the development of popular titles such as “VIP Baloot,” which quickly became a hit among card game enthusiasts across the region.

Embracing Innovation: The Middle Years

As the mobile gaming landscape evolved, so did our approach to game design. We recognized the need to stay ahead of the curve, embracing new technologies and trends to deliver richer, more immersive experiences. This period marked a significant shift in our design philosophy, as we began to experiment with advanced graphics, sophisticated gameplay mechanics, and interactive storylines.

The Power of Community: Recent Years

In recent years, we’ve placed an even greater emphasis on community-driven design. We understand that our players are at the heart of everything we do, and their feedback has been invaluable in shaping our games. By fostering a strong sense of community, we’ve been able to create games that truly resonate with our audience.

A prime example of this approach is “VIP Jalsat,” a game that combines traditional board games with modern multiplayer features. By listening to our players and incorporating their suggestions, we’ve crafted a game that feels both familiar and fresh, offering endless hours of entertainment.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Game Design at Tamatem

As we look to the future, we’re excited to continue pushing the envelope in mobile game design. Our focus will be on leveraging emerging technologies to create even more immersive and personalized gaming experiences. We’re also committed to exploring new genres and gameplay mechanics, ensuring that our portfolio remains diverse and dynamic.

Moreover, we aim to deepen our engagement with our community, using their insights to drive our design decisions. By maintaining an open dialogue with our players, we can continue to deliver games that not only meet but exceed their expectations.


The evolution of mobile game design at Tamatem is a testament to our dedication, creativity, and passion for gaming. From our humble beginnings to our current status as a leading game publisher in the MENA region, we’ve always strived to create games that bring joy and excitement to our players. As we move forward, we remain committed to our core values, constantly innovating and evolving to deliver the best possible gaming experiences. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we can’t wait to see where the future takes us.

Stay tuned, and happy gaming!

The Role of Cultural Sensitivity in Game Localization: How Tamatem navigates cultural nuances.

In the fast-paced world of mobile gaming, reaching a global audience demands more than just translating text. It requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances and a commitment to localization. At Tamatem, we work towards ensuring that our games resonate with local audiences by navigating cultural subtleties with finesse. Let’s dive into the critical role of cultural sensitivity in game localization and how we successfully bridge the cultural gap.

Understanding Cultural Sensitivity in Game Localization

Cultural sensitivity in game localization is about much more than language. It means adapting every aspect of the game—visuals, dialogues, narratives, and mechanics—to align with the cultural norms, values, and expectations of our target audience which is all done internally at our offices. This careful adaptation ensures our games are not only entertaining but also culturally relevant and respectful.

Tamatem’s Approach to Cultural Sensitivity

At Tamatem, we start with thorough research into the cultural contexts of the regions we target. We delve into local traditions, societal norms, religious beliefs, and popular trends. By immersing ourselves in the cultural fabric, we ensure our games are not only fun but also culturally respectful.

We collaborate with in-house local experts—linguists, cultural consultants, and gamers—to gain insights into the cultural preferences and sensitivities of our audience. This collaboration helps us identify potential cultural pitfalls and opportunities for deeper engagement. We tailor visual elements such as characters, settings, and symbols to align with local aesthetics and cultural references. For instance, in the MENA region, we consider dress codes, gender roles, and religious symbols, ensuring that all visual content is culturally appropriate and relatable. Language is a powerful cultural marker, so we go beyond direct translation. We localize dialogue, idioms, and expressions to make sure they resonate with local players. This attention to linguistic detail enhances the gaming experience and fosters a deeper connection with our audience. We also respect cultural norms and taboos, carefully navigating sensitive areas like depictions of violence, romance, or religious content to ensure our games are respectful and enjoyable for everyone.

Case Study: Fashion Queen

Fashion Queen, one of our standout titles, showcases our commitment to cultural sensitivity. Originally a popular dress-up game, we transformed it into an experience that resonates deeply with players in the MENA region. We incorporated local fashion trends and styles, designed characters that reflect the region’s cultural heritage, and included local dialects and colloquialisms to enhance the immersive experience. This adaptation not only made the game more relatable but also more engaging for our audience.

The Impact of Cultural Sensitivity

By prioritizing cultural sensitivity in game localization, we have successfully expanded our reach and engagement in the MENA region. Players feel a stronger connection to games that reflect their cultural identity, leading to higher levels of player retention and satisfaction. This approach not only fosters loyalty but also opens up new opportunities for growth in diverse markets.


In today’s globalized world, cultural sensitivity in game localization is not just an option—it’s a necessity. At Tamatem, our dedication to understanding and respecting cultural nuances sets us apart in the industry. By embracing cultural diversity and tailoring content to local preferences, we continue to delight and engage players across the MENA region. As the gaming industry evolves, the role of cultural sensitivity will only become more pivotal, shaping the future of global game localization.

ALAN WAKE 2 is A Dazzling Dive into Darkness | A Tamatem Review

  • Moving from the original’s spooky atmosphere, the game emphasises resource management and strategic combat against the Taken.
  • Despite occasional pacing issues, Alan Wake 2 stands out for its creatively told, infectiously enthusiastic narrative.
  • Exploring Remedy’s shared universe, the narrative adds depth to Alan Wake’s mythology, enhanced by creative storytelling techniques.
  • Despite narrative complexity, the game’s blend of horror, humour, and exploration leaves players with a memorable experience.

In the realm of Remedy Entertainment’s creations, Alan Wake 2 stands as a testament to the studio’s unabashed personality, weaving a mesmerising tapestry of creative storytelling and visual extravagance. Published on October 31, 2023, by Robin Valentine, this surreal survival horror sequel doesn’t just follow the traditional big-budget game formula; it catapults players into an idiosyncratic journey, embracing Remedy’s every eccentric idea with self-indulgent flair.

Set 13 years after Alan Wake’s mysterious disappearance in the first game (spoilers!), the sequel introduces Saga Anderson, an FBI agent investigating ritual murders in the sleepy town of Bright Falls. The narrative unfolds through the parallel stories of Alan’s attempts to escape the Dark Place—a dimension of psychological nightmare—and Saga’s pursuit of the truth. The unique narrative structure allows players to switch between the two characters, crafting a personalised order of reveals and twists.

While tonally different from its predecessor, Alan Wake 2 immerses players in a proper survival horror experience, demanding resource management and strategic use of light to fend off the menacing Taken. Remedy’s expertise in combat shines through, creating tension and release with impactful gunplay. However, the game deviates from the seamless rhythm of its predecessor, focusing instead on keeping players on edge and working for moments of respite.

Despite occasional struggles with enemy deployment and pacing, the survival horror elements play only a part in the overall offering. Alan Wake 2 places a paramount emphasis on storytelling, delivering one of the most creatively told narratives in gaming. The narrative dives deep into meta territory, blurring the lines between the game’s story, Alan’s written work, and references to the real world and Remedy’s past games. Infectiously enthusiastic, the game balances overwrought ideas with humour, making it both frightening and the funniest game of the year.

The storytelling brilliance is complemented by creative techniques, including live-action sequences, investigation cork boards, and a myriad of visual and auditory elements. The ability to switch between characters becomes a pivotal aspect of the narrative, revealing fascinating connections and parallels.

Visually stunning, Alan Wake 2, powered by a beefy PC setup, maintains a mix of medium and high graphics settings for optimal performance. While the intricate narrative can be challenging to follow, the game’s exploration of Remedy’s shared universe adds depth to the Alan Wake mythology.

In the end, Alan Wake 2, stands as Remedy’s boldest experiment yet—a beautiful storm of surreal storytelling and genuinely frightening survival horror that leaves a lasting impression on players.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

I’m Still Not Over L.A. Noire and I’m Not Sure I Want to Be

Op-Ed By Rick W. Hindi

L.A. Noire is a neo-noir detective game developed by the defunct Team Bondi and published by the ever-successful Rockstar Games. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 in 2011 and has since been ported to other platforms, including Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. The game is set in Los Angeles in 1947 and follows the story of Cole Phelps, a LAPD detective who investigates a series of murders. It’s also the only thing that I’ve been talking about for the past couple of weeks (I sincerely apologise for my roommate).

L.A. Noire is one of the most visually stunning games ever made, and the graphics still hold up. This is mostly thanks to its groundbreaking facial animation technology. The game’s characters are able to display a wide range of emotions, from subtle facial expressions to full-blown outbursts. And although this might sound daunting, the gameplay itself is quite simple in concept, but works perfectly for allowing players to choose their own direction during investigations. Evidence and clues can be missed or overlooked and information and hunches can be confirmed or rectified by heading to locations connected to persons of interest or the crime.

L.A. Noire’s interrogation mechanic is one of its most unique and innovative features, it blew the fan off of my PS3 in 2011 and it continues to blow my mind to this day. NPC faces are modelled after real actors to produce realistic facial expressions that indicate whether someone is lying or telling the truth (more on said actors later). 

Players can miss information or even arrest the wrong person if they don’t question witnesses and suspects effectively or if they overlook important evidence. This means that while cases have a correct ending, players can come to different conclusions, including the wrong ones, and admittedly, the only thing that will suffer is your sleep – the game won’t punish you for sending James Tiernan to deathrow but your conscience will, or should.

During interrogations, players must carefully observe the suspect’s facial expressions and body language to determine whether they are lying. This adds a layer of tension and excitement to the game, as players must use their detective skills to solve the cases, and – you know, you need evidence. 

L.A. Noire’s gameplay-first approach sets it apart from other detective games. While many detective games focus on overarching stories, L.A. Noire centres around the experience of being a detective. This is reflected in the game’s gameplay, which gives players the freedom to investigate cases at their own pace and come to their own conclusions. In L.A. Noire, each case feels like its own contained story, with its own unique challenges and rewards.

This keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting, as players never know what to expect next. In contrast, other detective games tend to be more linear, with players simply following along for the ride. L.A. Noire’s dichotomy of telling the story of a detective and being a detective is what makes it one of the best detective games ever made. 

We also cannot ignore the fantastic acting that we’ve seen in the game; a shocking number of actors who’ve worked on Mad Men found themselves in L.A. Noire, with Aaron Staton, who played the big-hearted Ken Cosgrove, playing the main character, and all around good cop/mentally unstable cop/possibly-tap-dancing-expert cop, main protagonist, Cole Phelps. 

I personally have a bittersweet feeling about Aaron Staton, he’s an idol of gaming characters, especially amongst the fans of L.A. Noire, often dubbed as one of the most realistic characters in video game history, with acting that could have easily won awards in L.A. Confidential (1997) or Chinatown (1974). On the other hand, he is yet to escape this typecast. Searching for the material used in this blog, one cannot help but notice a hail of “Cole Phelps, Badge Number 1247” comments. As far as I’ve found, he’s been in a few indie flicks since the completion of Mad Men in 2015 as well the cancelled reboot of the Right Stuff (2020)

Circling back to the bitterness of, L.A. Noire, it is not without its flaws. The game’s gameplay can be repetitive at times, and the lack of innovation in some areas may deter some players. Another criticism of L.A. Noire is that its story is not as tightly paced as it could be. There are some slow sections in the game, and the ending may feel rushed to some players (I personally wanted more). 

Furthermore, the city is … lonely. Although 1947’s Los Angeles is considered the perfect rendition of digital time-travel and tourism, there’s something solidly upsetting about the content. Chinatown has nothing to do with China, even Gun (2005) did a better job at the diversity based on region. The perfectly detailed streets feel false, like a simulator running out of CPU, and the map’s GPS is worse than Barbie’s Horse Adventures. More unfortunate being that these issues weren’t remedied in the remastered version. 

Despite its flaws, finding a copy of L.A. Noire last month was like finding an unfinished love letter that you’ve never sent. A time capsule of a gorgeous dream, an era when things were more hopeful, experimental and absolutely ambitious in the world of gaming, and 12 years later, no one has yet come close to recapturing that thrilling sense of adventure in developing nor narrative. It may not be perfect, but it’s mine to relive and re-experience, and that’s what matters. Phelps, Badge 1247, signing off for now. 

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Dark Souls Before Dark Souls

By Rick W. Hindi

Dark Souls is one of the most acclaimed and influential video game series of all time, but it didn’t come out of nowhere. There were a number of games that came before Dark Souls that helped to pave the way for its success, and in this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most notable ones (and yes, we’re aware that Demon’s Souls is one of those games but it doesn’t count).

Severance: Blade of Darkness

Severance: Blade of Darkness is a 2001 action role-playing game developed by Rebel Act Studios and published by Codemasters, it’s also the reason why I couldn’t sleep for a month in the 6th grade out of sheer frustration. The game is set in a dark fantasy world and features brutal combat, challenging environments, and perishable weapons. It’s no wonder that many gamers consider Severance to be a precursor to Dark Souls.

One of the most unique aspects of Severance’s combat system is the ability to use the dismembered body parts of slain enemies as weapons. This adds a gruesome but satisfying element to the game’s gameplay. Unfortunately, Severance was never a commercial success, but it has since gained a cult following among fans of hardcore action RPGs. It’s also been uploaded and optimised for Steam, as well.

King’s Field

King’s Field is a first-person dungeon crawler developed by FromSoftware and released for the PlayStation in 1994. It is the first game in the King’s Field series, which is considered to be a spiritual predecessor to the Souls series.

King’s Field features many of the same core elements as Dark Souls, including difficult combat, challenging exploration, and a deep backstory. The game also features a stamina metre, which is another staple of the Souls series.

What is it with FromSoftware and skeletons in a poison-heavy dark level?

While King’s Field was not a critical or commercial success in the West, it was very popular in Japan. The game’s success led to the development of two sequels, King’s Field II and King’s Field III.

The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda is one of the most popular and influential video game franchises of all time. While the Zelda series is not typically associated with the Souls genre, it did have a significant impact on the development of Dark Souls.

Game director Hidetaka Miyazaki has cited Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link and Ocarina of Time as two of the games that inspired him to make video games. Miyazaki has praised the Zelda series for its brutal combat experience, deep lore, and increased combat difficulty from Zelda 2 onwards.

While the Zelda games that inspired Dark Souls may not have had as vast lands to explore as Demon’s Souls, they did check two other important “Soulslike” criteria: deep lore and challenging combat.

Severance: Blade of Darkness, King’s Field, and The Legend of Zelda are just a few of the games that helped to pave the way for the success of Dark Souls. These games all featured elements that would later become staples of the Souls genre, such as difficult combat, challenging exploration, and deep lore. If you’re a fan of Dark Souls, then you should definitely check out some of the games that inspired it. You won’t be disappointed.

About us: Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.