
How Tamatem Adapts Global Games for Arabic-Speaking Audiences: A Behind-the-Scenes Look

At Tamatem Games, we pride ourselves on our unique ability to bring the best global games to the Arabic-speaking world. We don’t just translate; we transform. Join us as we take you behind the scenes to see how we adapt global games for Arabic-speaking audiences, ensuring they resonate deeply and provide an unforgettable gaming experience.

Understanding the Audience

Before we even begin the adaptation process, we immerse ourselves in understanding our audience. The Arabic-speaking world is rich with diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. We conduct extensive market research to grasp what players love, their gaming habits, and cultural nuances. This foundational knowledge guides every step of our adaptation process, ensuring we create games that feel authentic and engaging.

Expert Localization Team

Our localization team is at the heart of our adaptation process. This team consists of native Arabic speakers who are not only fluent in the language but also deeply familiar with regional dialects and cultural subtleties. Their expertise ensures that every piece of text, dialogue, and narrative is accurately translated and culturally relevant. This goes beyond simple translation – it’s about capturing the essence and spirit of the original game in a way that resonates with Arabic-speaking players.

Cultural Customization

Adapting a game for Arabic-speaking audiences involves more than just language translation. We customize various elements of the game to align with cultural norms and preferences. This can include modifying character names, adjusting in-game content to be culturally appropriate, and even redesigning certain visual elements to better reflect regional aesthetics. Our goal is to make players feel at home in the game world while maintaining the original game’s integrity.

Voiceovers and Soundtracks

A crucial part of our adaptation process is recording high-quality voiceovers. With all our voiceovers being done inhouse, our talented Arabic voice actors to bring characters to life, ensuring their voices are authentic and relatable. Additionally, we may adjust the game’s soundtrack to include regional music styles or instruments, further immersing players in a familiar and enjoyable audio experience.

UI/UX Adaptation

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) play a significant role in gaming enjoyment. We meticulously adapt the UI/UX to cater to Arabic-speaking audiences, which includes right-to-left text orientation, culturally relevant icons, and intuitive navigation tailored to local user habits. This attention to detail ensures that players can easily navigate and enjoy the game without any friction.

Community Engagement

Engaging with our player community is a cornerstone of our adaptation process. We actively seek feedback from players, whether through beta testing, surveys, or community forums. This feedback helps us fine-tune the game to better meet the expectations and preferences of Arabic-speaking gamers. By involving the community, we create a sense of ownership and connection, making players feel valued and heard.

Continuous Updates and Support

Our commitment to excellence doesn’t end with the game’s release. We provide continuous updates and support to address any issues, introduce new content, and keep the game fresh and exciting. This ongoing effort ensures that our games remain relevant and enjoyable for our Arabic-speaking audience over the long term.


Adapting global games for Arabic-speaking audiences is a meticulous and rewarding process. At Tamatem Games, we take pride in our ability to bridge cultural gaps and deliver exceptional gaming experiences. By understanding our audience, employing expert localization, customizing cultural elements, and engaging with the community, we ensure that every game we adapt feels like it was made just for Arabic-speaking players.

Join us on this journey and experience the magic of global games reimagined for the Arabic-speaking world. At Tamatem Games, we bring the world to your fingertips!

The Future of Mobile Gaming in the MENA Region: Trends and Predictions for the Coming Years

Welcome to the future of mobile gaming in the MENA region! As we at Tamatem Games look ahead, we see a horizon filled with exciting possibilities and groundbreaking innovations. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is poised to become a powerhouse in the mobile gaming industry, and we’re here to take you through the trends and predictions that will shape this vibrant landscape.

Unstoppable Market Growth

The MENA region’s mobile gaming market is booming. With a young and tech-savvy population, increasing smartphone penetration, and improved internet infrastructure, the growth is unstoppable. According to recent reports, the gaming market value in the MENA region is expected to reach $10 billion by 2027. This surge is driven by the growing number of gamers and the rising popularity of mobile games.

Localization and Cultural Relevance.

Localization is more than just translating text; it’s about creating experiences that resonate with local cultures and preferences. At Tamatem Games, we understand the importance of cultural relevance. The future of mobile gaming in MENA will see more games tailored to the tastes and traditions of the region, featuring local languages, stories, and themes. This trend will not only attract more players but also foster a deeper connection between gamers and the games they love.

Rise of Esports and Competitive Gaming

Esports is set to explode in the MENA region. With the establishment of dedicated esports arenas and the growing popularity of competitive gaming, we predict a significant rise in esports events and tournaments. This will create new opportunities for gamers, influencers, and content creators. The MENA region will become a hub for esports, attracting global attention and investment.

Advanced Technologies (AR and VR)

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are not just buzzwords; they are the future of gaming. As these technologies become more accessible, we expect to see an increase in AR and VR mobile games. Imagine stepping into a virtual world that blends seamlessly with your real environment or experiencing an immersive adventure through your smartphone. These technologies will redefine mobile gaming, offering unparalleled experiences to players in the MENA region.

Artificial Intelligence

In addition to the exciting developments in mobile gaming, artificial intelligence (AI) stands as a transformative force poised to redefine the player experience. AI’s integration into game development promises to revolutionize gameplay dynamics by adapting challenges to individual player skills and preferences. Moreover, AI-driven content generation allows for more immersive narratives and personalized gaming experiences. As AI technologies continue to advance, they will play a crucial role in shaping the future landscape of mobile gaming in the MENA region, enhancing both the quality and depth of interactive entertainment offered to players.

Mobile Gaming as a Social Platform

Mobile games are evolving into social platforms where players can connect, collaborate, and compete. The future will see more games incorporating social features like in-game chat, live streaming, and community events. This social aspect will enhance player engagement and create thriving gaming communities. At Tamatem Games, we are committed to fostering these connections and building a strong gaming ecosystem in MENA.

Growth of In-Game Monetization

In-game monetization strategies will continue to evolve, offering new ways for developers to generate revenue and for players to enjoy premium content. From in-app purchases to subscription models and ad-based rewards, the options are expanding. The key will be to balance monetization with providing value to players, ensuring a fair and enjoyable gaming experience.

Emphasis on Quality and Innovation

Quality and innovation will be at the forefront of the future of mobile gaming. Players in the MENA region are discerning and expect top-notch gaming experiences. Developers will need to push the boundaries of creativity and technology to deliver games that are not only entertaining but also innovative and visually stunning. At Tamatem Games, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality games that captivate and inspire.


The future of mobile gaming in the MENA region is bright and full of potential. With rapid market growth, cultural relevance, esports, advanced technologies, social gaming, innovative monetization, and a focus on quality, the coming years promise to be transformative. At Tamatem Games, we are excited to be at the forefront of this revolution, bringing the best of mobile gaming to the MENA region and beyond.

Stay tuned, gamers, because the best is yet to come!

The Role of Cultural Sensitivity in Game Localization: How Tamatem navigates cultural nuances.

In the fast-paced world of mobile gaming, reaching a global audience demands more than just translating text. It requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances and a commitment to localization. At Tamatem, we work towards ensuring that our games resonate with local audiences by navigating cultural subtleties with finesse. Let’s dive into the critical role of cultural sensitivity in game localization and how we successfully bridge the cultural gap.

Understanding Cultural Sensitivity in Game Localization

Cultural sensitivity in game localization is about much more than language. It means adapting every aspect of the game—visuals, dialogues, narratives, and mechanics—to align with the cultural norms, values, and expectations of our target audience which is all done internally at our offices. This careful adaptation ensures our games are not only entertaining but also culturally relevant and respectful.

Tamatem’s Approach to Cultural Sensitivity

At Tamatem, we start with thorough research into the cultural contexts of the regions we target. We delve into local traditions, societal norms, religious beliefs, and popular trends. By immersing ourselves in the cultural fabric, we ensure our games are not only fun but also culturally respectful.

We collaborate with in-house local experts—linguists, cultural consultants, and gamers—to gain insights into the cultural preferences and sensitivities of our audience. This collaboration helps us identify potential cultural pitfalls and opportunities for deeper engagement. We tailor visual elements such as characters, settings, and symbols to align with local aesthetics and cultural references. For instance, in the MENA region, we consider dress codes, gender roles, and religious symbols, ensuring that all visual content is culturally appropriate and relatable. Language is a powerful cultural marker, so we go beyond direct translation. We localize dialogue, idioms, and expressions to make sure they resonate with local players. This attention to linguistic detail enhances the gaming experience and fosters a deeper connection with our audience. We also respect cultural norms and taboos, carefully navigating sensitive areas like depictions of violence, romance, or religious content to ensure our games are respectful and enjoyable for everyone.

Case Study: Fashion Queen

Fashion Queen, one of our standout titles, showcases our commitment to cultural sensitivity. Originally a popular dress-up game, we transformed it into an experience that resonates deeply with players in the MENA region. We incorporated local fashion trends and styles, designed characters that reflect the region’s cultural heritage, and included local dialects and colloquialisms to enhance the immersive experience. This adaptation not only made the game more relatable but also more engaging for our audience.

The Impact of Cultural Sensitivity

By prioritizing cultural sensitivity in game localization, we have successfully expanded our reach and engagement in the MENA region. Players feel a stronger connection to games that reflect their cultural identity, leading to higher levels of player retention and satisfaction. This approach not only fosters loyalty but also opens up new opportunities for growth in diverse markets.


In today’s globalized world, cultural sensitivity in game localization is not just an option—it’s a necessity. At Tamatem, our dedication to understanding and respecting cultural nuances sets us apart in the industry. By embracing cultural diversity and tailoring content to local preferences, we continue to delight and engage players across the MENA region. As the gaming industry evolves, the role of cultural sensitivity will only become more pivotal, shaping the future of global game localization.

Games That are Accessible to Everyone

Video games are a great way to have fun and relax, but not everyone is able to play traditional video games. This is where accessible games come in. Accessible games are designed to be enjoyed by people with all abilities, including those with disabilities.

There are many different types of accessible games available, from simple puzzle games to complex RPGs. Some games are designed to be accessible from the start, while others can be customised to meet the needs of individual players. There’s a dedicated website for disabled gamers to check games’ accessibility.

Here are a few examples of games that are accessible to everyone, according to our employees at Tamatem:


Celeste is a very challenging platformer game that is also very accessible. The game features a variety of options that can be customised to make the game easier or more difficult, depending on the player’s needs. Celeste also has a feature called “Assist Mode” which allows players to slow down the game, turn on infinite stamina, and more.


Undertale is an RPG game that is known for its unique combat system. Players can choose to kill or spare the enemies they encounter, and their choices have a real impact on the story and ending. Undertale also has a feature called “Battle Mode” which allows players to skip battles entirely.

What Remains of Edith Finch

What Remains of Edith Finch is a first-person narrative game that tells the story of the Finch family, a cursed family with a history of tragic deaths. The game is very accessible, with features such as subtitle customisation, text size customisation, and colorblind mode. In addition, the game has no combat whatsoever and focuses mostly on uncovering the story at your own pace.


Firewatch is a first-person adventure game in which the player takes on the role of Henry, a fire lookout stationed in Wyoming. The game is very accessible, with features such as subtitle customisation, text size customisation, and controller remapping.

The Last of Us Part II

The Last of Us Part II is a third-person action-adventure game that is known for its immersive gameplay and its powerful story. The game is very accessible, with a wide range of options that can be customised to meet the needs of individual players. The Last of Us Part II also has a feature called “Assisted Gameplay” which allows players to adjust the difficulty of the game, turn on auto-aim, and more. Although this author thinks that The Last of Us Part II is an excessively violent game that could turn away many players, the options above are highly praised nonetheless for their customisability.

These are just a few examples of games that are accessible to everyone. With the growing popularity of accessible gaming, there are more and more games being released that are designed to be enjoyed by people with all abilities.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Games That Teach Us About Different Cultures

Video games are a powerful medium that can teach us about different cultures in a fun and engaging way. By playing games that are set in different parts of the world and feature characters from different cultures, we can learn about their customs, traditions, and values. Here are a few games that teach us about different cultures, at least according to Tamatem Employees: 

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is an action role-playing game set in ancient Greece. The game allows players to explore the vast and beautiful world of Greece, and to learn about its rich history and culture. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a great way to learn about the ancient Greeks, their way of life, and their beliefs.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is an action-adventure game that takes players to different parts of the world, including Madagascar, Scotland, and Italy. The game features a diverse cast of characters, and it allows players to learn about the different cultures that they encounter. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a great way to learn about different parts of the world and their cultures.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn is an action role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic world. The game features a unique and beautiful world that is inspired by Native American culture. Horizon Zero Dawn is a great way to inspire others to learn about Native American culture and its values.

A Plague Tale: Innocence

A Plague Tale: Innocence is an action-adventure game set in mediaeval France during the Black Death. The game allows players to experience the horrors of the plague and to learn about the way of life in mediaeval France. A Plague Tale: Innocence is a great way to learn about mediaeval French culture and the challenges that people faced during the Black Death.

Ghost of Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure game set in feudal Japan during the Mongol invasion. The game allows players to explore the beautiful island of Tsushima and to learn about Japanese culture. Ghost of Tsushima is a great way to learn about feudal Japanese culture and the samurai code of honour.

These are just a few examples of games that teach us about different cultures. By playing these games, we can learn about different parts of the world and their cultures, and we can develop a greater appreciation for diversity.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Tamatem games’ guide to expanding into the Middle East

The Middle East is a growing market for gaming companies, but it is also a challenging one. The region has a young and growing population, but there are also a number of cultural and regulatory hurdles that gaming companies need to overcome.

One of the biggest challenges is that the Middle East is a very diverse region, with a wide range of cultures and religions. This means that gaming companies need to be careful to develop games that are appropriate for all audiences. For example, some games that are popular in the West may be considered offensive in the Middle East. Tamatem Games tackles this by creating many localised versions of mobile games that suit the Middle Eastern palate.

Another challenge is that the Middle East is a relatively new market for gaming. This means that there is not as much of a gaming culture in the region as there is in other parts of the world. Gaming companies need to invest in educating consumers about gaming and its benefits. This is where the role of Tamatem Games comes into play; from changing the names and attributes of certain items as well as changing the UX/UI of games to match the Arabic language’s Right-to-Left nature.

Despite these challenges, there are a number of reasons why gaming companies should consider expanding into the Middle East. First, the region has a young and growing population. Over half of the population in the Middle East is under the age of 30. This means that there is a large pool of potential gamers in the region.

Second, the Middle East is a wealthy region. The GDP per capita in the Middle East is higher than the global average. This means that there is a lot of disposable income in the region that can be spent on gaming.

Finally, the Middle East is a rapidly urbanising region. By 2050, it is estimated that 80% of the population in the Middle East will live in cities. This urbanisation is creating a large and growing middle class with disposable income.

Gaming companies that are able to successfully overcome the challenges of the Middle East market are well-positioned to capture a significant share of this growing market. Partnership with local companies such as Tamatem ensures companies will help you to navigate the cultural and regulatory landscape of the region.Tamatem also localises games into Arabic. This will make your games more accessible to gamers in the region. Tamatem also market games through local channels. This could include social media, television, and print advertising.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Sakhr Computers: A Forgotten Arab Tech Legacy from the 80s

Sakhr Computers was a Kuwaiti company (Al Alamiah co.) that was selling MSX computers imported from Japan in all of the Arab world. These MSX were localised by Al Alamiah and rebranded for the Arabic market. It was also a major part of the childhood of many of our colleagues in Tamatem Games.

The Sakhr AX-170 seems to be the Sanyo MPC-2 localised for Arabic countries. The PCB and components are not the same and a RGB output has been added on some versions. This model was the most popular in the Arabic countries. It has an Arabic QWERTY keyboard, but is also available in an Arabic/French version AX-170F (with AZERTY keyboard), where the English Word Processor is replaced by a French Word Processor.

Sakhr’s Expansion into Software Development

In the 1990s, Sakhr expanded its focus to include software development. The company released a number of popular Arabic-language software products, including word processors, spreadsheets, and educational software. Sakhr also provided Arabic language localisation services to major software companies such as Microsoft and Oracle.

In recent years, Sakhr has focused on developing innovative e-government solutions. The company has worked with governments across the Middle East to develop and implement online services that make it easier for citizens to interact with their governments. Sakhr has also developed a number of other innovative technology solutions, such as its Sakhr Mobile platform, which provides secure mobile access to e-government services.

Sakhr Computers has played a major role in the development of the technology industry in the Middle East. The company’s products and services have helped to make technology more accessible and affordable for people in the region. Sakhr is also a leader in the development of innovative e-government solutions.

Fun Fact: Did you know that Sakhr Computers was one of the first companies to develop an Arabic-language version of the popular video game Tetris? The game was released in 1988 and was a huge hit with Arabic-speaking gamers.

Another Fun Fact: Sakhr Computers is also a pioneer in the development of Arabic-language educational software. The company’s educational software products are used by schools and universities across the Middle East to teach students about a variety of subjects, including maths, science, and history. However, most remember Sakhr for its 1980s computers, especially if they came with a copy of Metal Gear.

About us: Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Iconic Middle Eastern Characters in Video Games

By Rick W. Hindi

Video games have long been a popular form of entertainment, and with the rise of the internet and social media, they have become more popular than ever before. While video games have traditionally been dominated by Western characters and settings, recent years have seen a growing trend towards diversity and inclusion. This has led to the creation of a number of iconic characters in video games from the Middle East.

In no particular order:

Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad

Video game: Assassin’s Creed series

Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad is the protagonist of the first Assassin’s Creed game. He is a master assassin who is tasked with recovering nine Pieces of Eden, powerful artefacts that could be used to control humanity. Altaïr is a skilled warrior and a complex character who is struggling to come to terms with his past. Although his nationality isn’t mentioned (the concept of sovereign nations wasn’t as established in the early 1100s), it’s heavily implied that he’s from the Levant, particularly modern day Syria, especially the very real, the very much there, and the very Assassin-lore heavy city of Masyaf, seat of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins

Prince of Persia

Video game: Prince of Persia series 

The fan-favourite and often nameless Prince of Persia is the protagonist of the Prince of Persia video game series (He’s named Dastan in the 2010 film). He is a skilled acrobat and swordsman who is often tasked with saving his kingdom from evil. The Prince is a classic video game hero who has been captivating gamers for decades. In no version of the game does the Prince however speak Farsi or any of the languages from modern day Iran. 

A Farsi-language guide for Warrior Within

Fun Fact: In Iran, the iconic video game “Prince of Persia” is commonly referred to as شاهزاده‌ی ایران, which translates to “Prince of Iran.” The literal translation of the title would be شاهزاده‌ی فارس, signifying “a Prince hailing from the region of Pars or Persia.” However, it is worth noting that Westerners often employ the terms “Pars” and its Latin derivatives, such as Persia in English or Perse in French, to denote what we, as Iranians and Persian-speaking individuals, recognise as Iran. For additional information, read this amazing article


Video game: Age of Empires II 

Saladin is a playable character in the Age of Empires II video game. He is a skilled military leader who led the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in 1187. Saladin is a respected historical figure who is also a powerful video game character and needs no introduction. 


Video game: Street Fighter series 

Rashid Alazam is a playable character in the Street Fighter video game series. Possibly Saudi, most definitely a socialite (and a flirt) who is also a skilled fighter. Rashid is a unique and interesting video game character who has been praised for his diversity and representation.

These are just a few of the many iconic Arab characters in video games. These characters are helping to break down stereotypes and promote a more diverse and inclusive gaming industry.

About us:

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Why Arabic-language games are essential, and Tamatem Games is leading the way

Video games are one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world, and for good reason. They can be fun, engaging, and even educational. But what about people who don’t speak English? For them, video games can be a barrier to entry. That’s where Tamatem Games comes in. Tamatem Games started as a Jordanian mobile game developer that creates games in Arabic. This makes their games accessible to millions of people who would otherwise be excluded from the world of video games.

Why are Arabic-language games important?

There are several reasons why Arabic-language games are important. First, they promote Arabic language literacy and culture. When children play games in their native language, they are more likely to learn and retain the language. Additionally, Arabic games can help children to learn about their culture and heritage.

Second, Arabic-language games can help to reduce the digital divide. The digital divide is the gap between people who have access to technology and those who don’t. By creating games in Arabic, Tamatem Games is helping to make video games more accessible to people in the Arab world.

Third, Arabic-language games can help to promote social inclusion. Video games can be a great way for people to connect and socialise. But if a game is not in your native language, it can be difficult to participate. Arabic games allow people to connect with others who speak their language and share their culture.

Tamatem Games is leading the way

Tamatem Games is committed to helping the Arabic mobile gaming market reach its full potential. By localising popular mobile games, publishing original Arabic mobile games, supporting eSports, and investing in Arabic mobile game development, Tamatem Games is playing a key role in shaping the future of Arabic mobile gaming. Our most popular games include Fashion Queen, VIP Baloot and Battle of Kings. In addition, card players from across the MENA region have been enjoying our in-depth card game, VIP Jalsat.

Tamatem Games is one of the leading developers of Arabic-language games. The company has created over 50 games, which have been downloaded over 150 million times. Tamatem Games’ games are popular with people of all ages, and they cover a wide range of genres, including action, adventure, and puzzle games.


Tamatem Games is playing an important role in making video games more accessible to people who speak Arabic. The company’s games are fun, engaging, and educational, and they help to promote Arabic language literacy and culture. Tamatem Games is a leader in the development of Arabic-language games, and its games are enjoyed by millions of people around the world.